A Fire that Reconciles

Welcome to Reconciling Fire. The name comes from Numbers 31:23, in which the Israelites were taught to purify by going through fire, and Colossians 1:20, in which God plans to reconcile all to Himself. From what I have studied throughout scripture I have come to believe that God's plan for creation is to reconcile all mankind to Himself. I believe that Jesus died as lawful propitiation for our sins in accordance with the law set in place throughout the Old Testament (Rom. 325; 1 John 2:2; 1 John 4:10), that God's mercy endures forever, and for all (1 Chron. 16:34; Rom. 11:33), and finally that God should become all in all (1 Cor. 15:28). I am not a professor, or a doctor, or a famous theologian. But I am a student of the Bible who loves God with all her heart. As I learn and grow, I wish to share my journey with whomever happens along. I do believe in the total reconciliation of all mankind, and I hope that will become clear as I write and grow more.

In His love,

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What does our doctrine say to the world?

The heart of the gospel is evangelism. Jesus will make us fishers of men, correct? Sure! There's just one dilema:

Church theology today has been a huge hinderance on this. How exactly? Watch this video, and maybe you will see:

While there are some flaws in his logic, he has a point. Can you really reply to this by saying "Well just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's not true." ?

See a doctrine that preaches eternal torment is one that provides an ultimatum for an evil injustice. We see right here how it is perceived by the world and the effect that it has on evangelism. How can this young man, who has a valid concern about Christian doctrine, find a reason to come to Jesus when he sees this off-the-wall idea that God creates people to suffer without end?

Just think about it for a bit.

What would you say to him?

Perhaps you wouldn't have anything to say. Perhaps you would simply pray for him. Do you believe it's his choice to accept? That God can't choose to save him and he must save himself by becoming a Christian? If so, why are you praying for him?

I pray for him because I believe God is sovereign over the will of man (Romans 9) and that He plans on saving this young man because He so desires it (1 Timothy 2:3-4). I was also able to write a loving reply in his comments that did not include post-death threats. You may disagree. And my one comment may not be enough to "convert" him, however, I can say from experience that I have had friends who were not so hardened to the idea of Christianity when they realized that eternal hell is not a doctrine taught by the whole church. For many, the doctrine of eternal hell is the one thing that has made them reject Christianity! I know not everyone agrees with me and that's ok.

But think about it...

Think about this young man, and his heart, and his logic...think about how he just needs God's grace...think about how you could witness to him.

I know how I do. I do by saying that's he's right. The idea of a God that torments eternally is violent, evil, and unjust. The idea of a God that reconciles through the blood of Jesus, however, well that changes everything.

And as the idea rises in the church it is about to spark the greatest hike in evangelism we've ever seen...

(In my opinion.)

Speaking always in His love,